Lauren here, head of Customer Success at Teamphoria. Our team speaks with hundreds of clients each week and we always hear how easy it is to use Teamphoria. Our partners and clients also enjoy telling us how it has changed their organizations. At Teamphoria, we offer three different levels of our solution: Engage, Perform, Read More

This day in age, every employer should realize that employee recognition and employee engagement are vital to current and future success. No longer is there a need to prove the long-term benefits of engaging and recognizing employees. The research has been done and re-done. Engaged and recognized employees are your top performers, biggest supporters, and Read More

    Charleston Business Magazine is honoring Patrick as one of the region’s most influential people who has made a lasting impact in the Charleston area. Check out the full article here.   Sign up for Teamphoria engagement software for free today. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

A Team Member By Any Other Title…would still be just as sweet! Team Members have been able to choose their own titles since the dawn of the Information Age — or really, since Guy Kawasaki called himself Apple’s Chief Evangelist in the 80s. While shoulder pads and fanny packs have faded away, the choose-your-own-title has Read More

  Guest post from Shawn Cloete:   Before we dive into the 2018 HR Trends in Employee Performance Management. We should look back on where Employee Performance Management originated from for the sake of the readers not familiar with its origins. Firstly, what is performance management?   Performance Management is an opportunity for a manager Read More

With the end of the year nearing, employee performance reviews are on every organization’s mind. Teamphoria is your one stop shop for everything performance reviews, and now we’re adding a new feature: performance scoring. Allow your managers to score their direct reports on a scale of 1-10  after each section of the review to provide Read More

Input new employee information before their start date. This way on their first day, their welcome card will appear on the Activity Feed. This lets your other Teamphoria users know who the new person in the office is. Challenge new team members to send a certain amount of employee recognition within their first month. Incentivize Read More

We hope you’re doing well and enjoying the end of winter (or summer) depending on your hemisphere! We’re happy to announce that a new Organization profile feature is now live and included with your Teamphoria subscription! This new feature will allow you to add an About Us section and Helpful Links, giving your users easy Read More

      Teamphoria is the first employee engagement software to offer self sign up. Get started for free with your first 5 employees and see how Teamphoria can transform your organization! With full access to our software you have the ability to set up employee recognition, employee surveys, performance reviews, goals, and much more Read More

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every single day. That’s a lot of big, experienced shoes to fill in the workplace. It’s no wonder that attracting top talent is frequently cited as one of the biggest concerns of today’s CEOs — particularly when those CEOs are scouring for that talent among millennials. This misunderstood and heavily Read More