With tons of options out there for employee engagement software, it’s hard to find the best fit for your company at the best price. So we’ve laid it all on the table and compared Teamphoria’s top competitors. Take a look below:     Ready to see how Teamphoria works? Sign up today and your first Read More

    According to a recent Gallup survey, 43% of employed Americans spend at least part of their time working remotely and that number is still on the rise. With that many employees in the workforce working remotely, keeping those employees engaged has become a top priority for business leaders. Check out our five tips Read More

Employee turnover and retention are cited as top challenges for roughly 47% of HR leaders. This number is likely to keep going up since Millennials are labeled for their “job hopping”. How can you stay ahead of this ever-growing challenge? Keep reading to find out!   1. Launch an employee engagement survey First things first Read More

  Feel like you are stuck in the movie Groundhog Day with your performance reviews? Let Teamphoria break the cycle! Please tell me you’ve seen the movie and are getting my reference? Bill Murray (a Charleston local) stars as a TV weatherman Phil Connors, doomed to relive Groundhog Day over and over again in Punxsutawney, Read More

  Teamphoria is proud to announce our latest partnership with Icueity!     The natural partnership of Icueity with Teamphoria’s amazing employee engagement platform brings together two powerful opportunities for organizations to push beyond the boundaries of mediocrity to maximize employee growth, productivity, and happiness.”     Rebecca Heiss, CEO Icueity     About Teamphoria Read More

Overwhelmed by your new management role? Teamphoria is here to help! Whether you’re moving to a new management role within the same company or a different company, Teamphoria has all the tools that new managers need. Check out our 5 tips for new managers below.   Get to know your employees Spend time with your Read More

Teamphoria announces their partnership with HR&Co., a human capital firm that focuses on providing state-of-the-art tailored business and human resources solutions. Together, with the HR&Co. tailored consulting service and Teamphoria’s innovative employee engagement software, the partnership will help drive business results and maximize profitability and performance.     With HR&Co’s proven track record and client Read More

Should Managers Drive Results or Nurture Employee Engagement? People spend a lot of time wondering which path is the best path: should you rally your employees around results? Or should you take the time to know each and every one of them and celebrate them as the special employee snowflake they are? It’s organizational culture’s Read More

Ah, the new year – it’s a fresh start! Everyone is getting organized, people are motivated – why not translate that feeling into your business? Start this new year off with these helpful tips below:   Take your company’s pulse: Utilize our Culture Baseline Survey to see how your employees feel after the new year. Read More

We’re starting our annual reviews here at Teamphoria, which got us thinking about what makes a good performance review! While we were preparing for ours, we wanted to share our strategies to get through performance review season. Here are eight tips to make performance reviews less painful, more efficient, so you can actually use them. Read More