Happy National Employee Appreciation Day! Today’s the day created for your boss to shower you with gifts and employee recognition. And while we recommend a steady diet of digital employee recognition here at Teamphoria HQ, any attention from leadership is welcome. But in the employee recognition department, not all bosses are on the same page Read More

With tons of options out there for employee engagement software, it’s hard to find the best fit for your company at the best price. So we’ve laid it all on the table and compared Teamphoria’s top competitors. Take a look below:     Ready to see how Teamphoria works? Sign up today and your first Read More

    According to a recent Gallup survey, 43% of employed Americans spend at least part of their time working remotely and that number is still on the rise. With that many employees in the workforce working remotely, keeping those employees engaged has become a top priority for business leaders. Check out our five tips Read More

  Lauren here, head of Customer Success at Teamphoria. Our team speaks with hundreds of clients each week and we always hear how easy it is to use Teamphoria. Our partners and clients also enjoy telling us how it has changed their organizations. At Teamphoria, we offer three different levels of our solution: Engage, Perform, Read More

Everyone has a genre of music that they swear by to get through their day: classical, video game soundtracks, speed metal, or even some bubblegum pop. Some people like music with lyrics that are inspirational or motivational, but a popular choice is ambience music – a thunder storm or waves on a beach. I’m usually Read More

Employee Engagement at Initech Oh, Initech: Mike Judge’s 1999 vision of a cubicle farm during the dot com boom is a study in what companies shouldn’t do. But what can we learn about employee engagement from Office Space? Milton Milton, the squirrely man with the thick coke bottle glasses, is a great example of the Read More

A Team Member By Any Other Title…would still be just as sweet! Team Members have been able to choose their own titles since the dawn of the Information Age — or really, since Guy Kawasaki called himself Apple’s Chief Evangelist in the 80s. While shoulder pads and fanny packs have faded away, the choose-your-own-title has Read More

  Well we are officially in the holiday season which is both a joyful and stressful time. Thanksgiving has passed, Christmas and Hanukkah soon approaching, and New Year’s just around the corner – this is the time of year when employees are less engaged at work. Here’s how to keep them engaged with Teamphoria.   Read More

Whether it’s professional or personal, technology has definitely changed the way we live day-to-day. An iPhone is a thousand times faster than the computer that got us to the moon. Our means of communicating with each other is getting better and faster every year. So no matter how you connect, most of us are constantly Read More

It’s 5:00 pm. You slam the laptop closed, race out the door, and start thinking about your evening. Let’s see… there’s dinner, soccer practice, laundry… let the games begin! Hold up – for two minutes. We promise it will be worth it. According to a study done by the University of Florida, stress level & Read More