Happy National Employee Appreciation Day! Today’s the day created for your boss to shower you with gifts and employee recognition. And while we recommend a steady diet of digital employee recognition here at Teamphoria HQ, any attention from leadership is welcome. But in the employee recognition department, not all bosses are on the same page Read More

It’s 5:00 pm. You slam the laptop closed, race out the door, and start thinking about your evening. Let’s see… there’s dinner, soccer practice, laundry… let the games begin! Hold up – for two minutes. We promise it will be worth it. According to a study done by the University of Florida, stress level & Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! We thought you and your team might want to share some love at your workplace today with culture candy hearts. Here are some sweet personalized treats you can send via email, text, or IM. Great peeps don’t go unnoticed, so share some love today! This candy heart is for the Engagement Read More

I don’t mean to be a Negative Nancy, but I’m going to go there, let’s talk about the dark stuff. There’s no reason to sugar coat it; work is inherently stressful. There are deadlines, budgets, people, decisions – no matter how much you love your job, from time to time, there’s going to be something Read More

Employee engagement surveys – perhaps you’ve taken one, or administered one, or spent three hours thinking about taking one, bailing, and just hoping no one noticed that you are messing up the organization’s participation statistics. Most of us have had some encounter with employee engagement surveys over our years in the workforce. As employee engagement Read More

I’ve never been one to follow the ways of the White House Budget very closely. Heck, I can barely manage my bank account, much less understand how on earth you begin to breakdown a $4 trillion budget request. However a recent article in the Washington Post, “Six ways the White House budget would affect federal Read More

Charleston, SC — November 12, 2014 Teamphoria announced the addition of performance management to their employee engagement software to round out their existing feature set which includes features for employee recognition, employee communication, and company culture. Teamphoria users now have the ability to administer, create, and store unlimited customized employee performance reviews within Teamphoria, so Read More

At Teamphoria, we follow HR trends and news pretty closely. It seems that every day new surveys and studies are being released painting a dire picture of employee engagement levels across the nation. While we agree that it’s important to stay on top of trends and learn from others, we don’t think it’s beneficial to Read More

The new graduating class is about to join the workforce. Brace yourselves, folks. You are about to see some crazy dates come across the resumes on your desk. Born sometime around 1993, these young adults have only seen one President Bush in the Oval Office and have grown up on laptops and cell phones. Put Read More

6 Inexpensive (or Free!) Ways to Cheer Up your Team The high of getting back to the grind after the holidays has worn off, the slump of winter has set in around the office. All of the glittery decorations are gone. You still haven’t lost those extra 5 pounds you packed on over the holidays, Read More