An employee work anniversary can be more than just face cake in the breakroom. In addition to quotes, images, and messages, you can use Teamphoria to make work anniversaries happy for employees. Your Time in the Spotlight: Everyone loves to be appreciated, especially on their work anniversary. In Teamphoria work anniversaries populate on the Activity Read More

Employee Appreciation Day is approaching. Didn’t get the memo? No worries, we are here to help! Of course, it would have been awesome to plan something last week, but we get it. We are busy and these things happen! It’s not exactly like Employee Appreciation Day is the top holiday on everyone’s radar. However, as Read More

Happy National Employee Appreciation Day! Today’s the day created for your boss to shower you with gifts and employee recognition. And while we recommend a steady diet of digital employee recognition here at Teamphoria HQ, any attention from leadership is welcome. But in the employee recognition department, not all bosses are on the same page Read More

6 Inexpensive (or Free!) Ways to Cheer Up your Team The high of getting back to the grind after the holidays has worn off, the slump of winter has set in around the office. All of the glittery decorations are gone. You still haven’t lost those extra 5 pounds you packed on over the holidays, Read More