Whether it’s professional or personal, technology has definitely changed the way we live day-to-day. An iPhone is a thousand times faster than the computer that got us to the moon. Our means of communicating with each other is getting better and faster every year. So no matter how you connect, most of us are constantly Read More

We’re starting our annual reviews here at Teamphoria, which got us thinking about what makes a good performance review! While we were preparing for ours, we wanted to share our strategies to get through performance review season. Here are eight tips to make performance reviews less painful, more efficient, so you can actually use them. Read More

Should Managers Drive Results or Nurture Employee Engagement? People spend a lot of time wondering which path is the best path: should you rally your employees around results? Or should you take the time to know each and every one of them and celebrate them as the special employee snowflake they are? It’s organizational culture’s Read More

Participation is important for a company’s culture. It’s a great measure for employee engagement – engaged employees are more likely to participate than their disengaged counterparts. In spirit of Halloween, here are the ghosts and ghouls that haunted Teamphoria HQ (and participated in our costume contest.) Participation is tough – it’s putting yourself out there. Read More

As Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author, wrote in her 1997 book Time Bind: Home had become work and work had become home. The importance of a good company culture now has research backing it up. In offices with good company culture, employees are happy to come to work. Recent studies only prove that the Read More

A Team Member By Any Other Title…would still be just as sweet! Team Members have been able to choose their own titles since the dawn of the Information Age — or really, since Guy Kawasaki called himself Apple’s Chief Evangelist in the 80s. While shoulder pads and fanny packs have faded away, the choose-your-own-title has Read More

We’ve talked about how important employee engagement is, and how digital employee recognition affects company culture. The science is in saying employee recognition is important – it’s an easy way to boost morale and improve job performance. But some of my favorite effects of employee recognition are often overlooked.             Read More

Everyone has a genre of music that they swear by to get through their day: classical, video game soundtracks, speed metal, or even some bubblegum pop. Some people like music with lyrics that are inspirational or motivational, but a popular choice is ambience music – a thunder storm or waves on a beach. I’m usually Read More

Employee Engagement at Initech Oh, Initech: Mike Judge’s 1999 vision of a cubicle farm during the dot com boom is a study in what companies shouldn’t do. But what can we learn about employee engagement from Office Space? Milton Milton, the squirrely man with the thick coke bottle glasses, is a great example of the Read More

It’s a question that’s asked a lot: How can I be happy at work? or, How can I make my employees be happy at work? It’s asked over and over because it’s important: research shows that most people are actually less stressed out at work than they are at home. A company’s culture is a Read More