Teamphoria Shares Its Work Playlist

Everyone has a genre of music that they swear by to get through their day: classical, video game soundtracks, speed metal, or even some bubblegum pop. Some people like music with lyrics that are inspirational or motivational, but a popular choice is ambience music – a thunder storm or waves on a beach. I’m usually rocking out at my desk, so I polled some of my office mates, took all of our favorites together that are perfect for covering up the chatter in the office and put them in a Spotify playlist for you to enjoy.

Is there something that you love to listen to while you’re working? Let us know in the comments. But if this isn’t enough to get you through your after lunch slump, it’s time to take a look at your company’s culture. Find out more about Teamphoria or get started for free today!

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Lauren Hurlock: Born in Philadelphia, raised in Charleston. Aumna of the College of Charleston. Geeky, but a little nerdy, too. I write, and sometimes get paid for it.