Replace Your ‘Employee of the Month’ Award With These Hilariously Funny Employee Awards

Who says you can’t give out humorous employee awards? Switch things up and get creative. Our team did some brainstorming to come up with some funny awards to give out instead of the generic “Employee of the Month”. Trust me, you’ll immediately think of someone in your office for each award – I know we did!



Scavenger Award

This goes out the the person who is always looking for free food in the office. They are the first one in the kitchen when that email goes out about leftovers.




Smelliest Lunch Award

This person doesn’t care that it’s 11:15 am and they are heating up their fish dinner from last night. Ew!




No Coffee Needed Award

This person does not need coffee or caffeine in any form in the morning. They come into work ready to go and ready to talk your ear off.





Passive Aggressive Note Writer Award

For the person who always leaves passive aggressive notes around the office. The ones about stolen food, the printer not working, stolen pens, keeping the kitchen clean – you what we’re talking about.




Klepto Award

For the person that is always stealing the stapler…and scissors, and pens, and notepads. This person can always be found raiding the supply closet





Always Late Award

For the person that is always late for Every. Single. Meeting. They’re even late for the meetings they organize!




Mr. or Ms. Clean Award

This person has the cleanest cubicle or desk in the office; not a single paperclip out of place.





Buzzword Award

This goes out to the person who constantly uses any and every corporate acronym and buzzword. We’re looking at you “flesh it out”, “circle back” and “in the weeds” users!




Social Networker Award

This person is constantly updating their status, sharing articles, and tweeting on the clock. Everyone in the office knows about it because they are on social media too, they just hide it better.




It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere Award

For the person that is always planning work happy hours. It’s your birthday – let’s plan a happy hour. New hire – let’s plan a happy hour. It’s Friday and the sun is out – let’s plan a happy hour!



About Teamphoria

Teamphoria is employee engagement software that builds and measures an engaged workforce and healthy company culture. It’s the first software platform to provide real-time employee engagement and allow organizations to improve culture organization-wide. Features focus on improving employee recognition, employee communication, and performance to help companies be more successful through employee engagement.


Sign up for Teamphoria’s employee engagement software today and your first 5 employees are free!

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Lauren Hundley: Check the latest post posted by Lauren Hundley. Post is related to 360 performance review software,annual performance review template,culture,employee engagement,employee evaluation form..