Teamphoria Discusses How to Beat the Winter Blues

6 Inexpensive (or Free!) Ways to Cheer Up your Team

The high of getting back to the grind after the holidays has worn off, the slump of winter has set in around the office. All of the glittery decorations are gone. You still haven’t lost those extra 5 pounds you packed on over the holidays, and the threat of the next polar vortex is always around the corner. Just because it’s dreadful outside, doesn’t mean your office has to have the same vibe. The winter months are a great time to go heads down and get stuff done, but it’s important to keep spirits and energy high! Here are a few cheap and easy ways to perk up your team if they look like they need a little pick-me-up:

1. Jazz up your drinks – Office coffee will never be able to compete with Starbucks, but surprise your staff with some options one day. Flavored creamers, fancy syrup, and brand name beans might seem like something simple, but your team will appreciate the extra treat. Don’t forget hot chocolate for the non-coffee drinkers. You can even go all out with whipped cream and candy toppings if you are looking for a sugar rush!

2. Face time – Don’t actually call your team on Face Time unannounced. That’s creepy. Just make a concerted effort to actually SEE your team. Schedule a check in, a lunch, or just stop by their desk in the morning to catch up. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the week. Suddenly you realize it’s Friday, and you have only sent emails instead of making eye contact.

3. Turn up the competition – Nothing brings people together quite like pinning them against each other! Create a friendly in-office competition between teams to based on one of your organization’s goals, or even something as simple as recycling. Just make sure the prize is something the whole team will enjoy!

4. Send Employee Recognition – Whether you use Teamphoria to send employee recognition digitally, or just simply send an email to say, “Well done,” set a goal of acknowledging and least one person each day for the rest of the month. It will boost your spirits to think about all of the awesome work being done, as well as the recipients.

5. Schedule time to volunteer together – Many nonprofits see a drop in volunteers and donations after the holiday season, but don’t let your charitable contributions stop just because the holidays are over. Find a volunteer opportunity for your team to do together – it will be chance for team bonding and you’ll feel good about the work you’ve done!

6. Office Trivia – If you are really feeling fancy, organize a game of pub-style trivia. Schedule it for the end of the day, so you can bust out a few brews. (If that’s allowed of course!) Go the extra mile and make it fun for the creative types instead of just the smarty pants teams. Give points for the funniest team name or answer too.

Of course it would be great if you could just take your team to Cabo for the week, but we hope some of these budget-friendly options will see you through spring in the meantime. Do you have any creative ideas that we missed? Leave them in the comments below!

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Amanda Strungs: Check the latest post posted by Amanda Strungs. Post is related to 360 performance review software,annual performance review template,culture,employee engagement,employee evaluation form..